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HPPSC clerk Solved Paper 2019 [Solved]

1. I ………………… my assignment before I left the office.
A.    Submitted
B.    Can submit
C.     Would have submit
D.    Had submitted
2. The instructions are ……………. Clear.
A.     Quite
B.    Quiet
C.     More
D.    For
3. Many a ……………..the game but failed.
A.    Men tried
B.    Men have tried
C.     Man tried
D.    Men are trying
4. ………………. A blue pen, I have two pencils.
A.    Over
B.     Besides
C.     Beside
D.    And
5. One of the workers…………… punished by the manager.
A.    Were
B.     Has been
C.     Are
D.    Probably
6. I think I………. Her last Sundays.
A.    See
B.     Saw
C.     Have been
D.    Would have
7. He gave ………………
A.    To advice
B.    Any advices
C.     Me some advice
D.    Many advice
8. The teacher told them ………….. .
A.     To keep quiet
B.    Kept quiet
C.     To keep quite
D.    To keep quit

Read the following passage and answer the questions (9 to 14) that follow:

Malnutrition results from a poor diet or a lack of food. It happens when the intake of nutrients or energy is too high, too low, or poorly balanced. Under nutrition can lead to delayed growth or wasting, while a diet that provides too much food, but not necessarily balanced, leads to obesity. In many parts of the world, under nutrition results from a lack of food. In some cases, however, undernourishment may stem from a health condition, such as an eating disorder or a chronic illness that prevents the person from absorbing nutrients.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), malnutrition is the gravest single threat to global public health. Globally, it contributes to 45 percent of deaths of children aged under 5 years. The scariest aspect of malnutrition is that it is likely to cause permanent damage to the brain. Experiments carried out on animals suggest that brain damage due to malnutrition is irreversible. This may not be true for human being. Nevertheless, known fact as well as results of test conducted so far point to alarming conclusions. The human brain grows very fast. Three months before its birth, the child’s brain weighs one-fourth of the adult’s brain. In one year, the brain of a child is already 66 percent of the weight of the adult brain. At four years the brain weights 90 percent and at eight the child’s brain is the size of an adults brains and there is no further increase. Quite obviously the first four years are crucial for the development of the brain. And if the child suffers from malnutrition the damage to the brain may be permanent
9.        “The Scariest aspect of malnutrition is that it is likely to cause          permanent             damage to the brain.” The word ‘scariest’ is nearest in             meaning to scary.
A.        Most frightening
B.       Most encouraging
C.        Most baffling multifaceted
D.       Multifaceted
10.      ‘Malnutrition causes …………… percent deaths of children under five        years worldwide.”
A.       Ninety
B.       Sixty six
C.        Thirty five
D.       Forty-five
11.      National Institute of Nutrition is situated in:
A.       Pune
B.        Hyderabad
C.        WHO
D.       USA
12. Malnutrition does not mean:
A.    Low nutrients
B.    Too much food
C.     Imbalanced diet
D.    Tasteless diet
13. Opposite of ‘Inexpensive’ is
A.    Fashionable
B.    Cheap
C.     Lavish
D.    Economical
14. A nutritious diet does not mean:
A.    Vitamins
B.    Butter
C.     Antibiotic pills
D.    Iodine salt
Incorrect ones Question 15 to 18 have four sentences each. Three sentences in each question have some error. Pick the correct one.
15. Choose the correct sentence:
A.    If you had worked hard, you might pass.
B.    Had you worked hard, you could pass.
C.     If you worked hard, you would have passed.
D.    If you had worked hard, you would have passed.
16. Choose the correct sentence:
A.    I’ll tell you what my name is.
B.    I’ll tell you what is my name.
C.     I tell you what is my name.
D.    I can tell you my name what.
17. Choose the correct sentence:
A.     If I had a magic wand, I would find the solution.
B.    Had I have a magic wand, I could find the solution.
C.     If I had being a magic wand I would find the solution.
D.    If I got a magic wand, I will find the solution.
18. Choose the correct sentence:
A.    Singh teach in the class right now.
B.    Singh teachers in the class right now.
C.     Singh is teaching in the class right now.
D.    Singh had been teaching in the class right now.

Questions 19 to 22 have four sentences each. One of the sentences in each question has some error. Pick the incorrect one.
19. Choose the incorrect sentence:
A.    She had been living in Delhi for ten years before 2010.
B.    She had being living in Delhi for ten years before 2010.
C.     She has been living in Delhi for ten years now.
D.    I had been playing for two hours before going to bed.
20. Choose the incorrect sentence:
A.    The meeting starts at 10:30 p.m.
B.    The meeting had started before we reached.
C.     The meeting started after we reached.
D.    The boy had grown into a handsome man.
21. Choose the incorrect sentence:
A.    If he had asked me, I would have helped him.
B.    If he asked me, I would help him.
C.     If he asks me, I will help him.
D.    If he asked me, I will help him.
22. Choose the incorrect sentence:
A.    He was looking me everywhere.
B.    He was constantly disturbing us.
C.     He was sleeping when the phone rang.
D.    They were always fighting.

Pick up the word that best expresses the meaning of the given word (23 to 26) :
23. Tentative
A.    Certain
B.     Unsure
C.     Lasting
D.    Confident
24. Collateral
A.     Corresponding
B.    Biased
C.     Collected
D.    Intelligent
25. Frugal
A.    Fragile
B.    Hard
C.     Delicious
D.    Thrifty
26. Shy
A.    Thin
B.    Skeletal
C.     Luscious
D.    Reticent

Pick up the word that best expresses the opposite meaning of the given word (27 to 30):
27. Rebuke
A.    Reprove
B.     Admire
C.     Admonish
D.    Dislike
28. Cherish
A.     Condemn
B.    Adore
C.     Venerate
D.    Engage
29. Obvious
A.    Evident
B.    Observable
C.     Obscure
D.    Tangible
30. Redundant
A.    Outdated
B.     Current
C.     Cultural
D.    Expand
31. अल्प प्राण का उदाहरण है:
32. ‘क्ष’ किन वर्णों के संयोग से बना है
A.  क्+ष+अ
B.  क्+श+अ
C. क्+स+अ
D. क्+छ+अ
33. ‘युवा’ शब्द से बना भाववाचक संज्ञा रूप क्या है
A.  युवावस्था
B.  यौवन
C. युवक
D. युवराज
34. ‘क्रांतिकारी’ शब्द संज्ञा के किस भेद के अंतर्गत है?
A.  व्यक्तिगत
B.  भाववाचक
C. द्रव्य वाचक
D. जातिवाचक
35. ‘कवि’ का स्त्रीलिंग
A.  कवियत्री
B.  कवियित्री
C. कवयित्री
D. कवियत्री
36. का, के, की उपसर्ग का प्रयोग किस कर्क के साथ होता है ?
A.  कर्ता
B.  कर्म
C. संबंध
D. संप्रदान
37. ‘से’ परसर्ग का प्रयोग किस कारक के साथ होता है
A.  अधिकरण
B.  कर्म
C. अपादान
D. कर्ता

38.वृक्ष पर कोयल बैठी है १ — रेखांकित वाक्यांश में कारक बताएं:
A.  अधिकरण
B.  अपादान
C. कारण
D. सप्रदान
39. ‘हम’ किस प्रकार का सर्वनाम है?
A.  उत्तम पुरुष वाचक
B.  मध्यम पुरुष वाचक
C. अन्य पुरुषवाचक
D. निजवाचक
40. ‘स्वय’ किस प्रकार का सर्वनाम है
A.  पुरुषवाचक
B.  निसयवाचक
C. निजवाचक
D. सबन्धवाचक
41. ‘रसोईघर’ समस्त पद का विग्रह है:
A.  रसोई का घर
B.  रसोई के लिए घर
C. रसोई और घर
D. रसोई में घर
42. जिस समास में प्रथम पद संख्यावाचक हो, उसे कहते है:
A.  दन्त समास
B.  दिगु समास
C. अव्ययीभाव समास
D. तत्पुरुष समास
43. कर्मधारय समास के दोनों पदों में क्या सबंध होता है?
A.  विषेशण- विशेष्य
B.  उपमान-उपमेय
C. समास बिग्रह
D. दोनों A और B
44. ‘यथाशक्ति’ समस्त पद में कौन समास है
A.  बहुब्रीहि
B.  दिगु
C. अव्ययीभाव
D. तत्पुरुष

45. ‘आज मैंने अधिक संतरे खा लिए’ १ — रेखांकित पद में विषेशण है :
A.  गुणवाचक
B.  परिणामवाचक-अनिश्चित
C. परिणामवाचक-निस्चय
D. सार्वनामिक


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